This Gooseberry Patch Autumn with Family and Friends cookbook has so many great recipes.
Pumpkin-Sausage Penne
8-oz. pkg. cream cheese, cubed
16 oz. penne pasta cooked
2/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese
16 oz. pkg. maple flavored ground pork sausage, browned and drained.
1/2 cup butter, sliced
1/2 cup milk
1 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
Optional: additional grated Parmesan cheese
nutmeg to taste
Combine cream cheese, Parmesan cheese, butter and milk in a large saucepan. Cook over low heat until cream cheese is melted, stirring frequently. Stir in pumpkin and spices, cook until heated through, stirring occasionally. Add cooked pasta and sausage, toss lightly. Serve topped with additional Parmesan cheese, if desired. Makes 8 servings.
It may sound weird to some of you, but it sounds delicious to me! :)
Now here are a few things I am loving so far this Fall.
My handmade cozy slipper socks that a friend gave me as a gift. They are just perfect for chilly mornings and evenings. So comfy!
Fire pits and making Smores!

The crisp breeze blowing in the window especially in the morning~

Of course I LOVE the so very yummy Pumpkin Spice and the new Toffee Mocha Latte's at Starbuck's. Mmmmm!

Super cute jackets, tall boots, skinny jeans, and sweaters~

How about some stylish hats~

Paige and I were in ULTA the other day and saw the new OPI Swiss collection. Love some of these colors~

A shiny new 2011 Dodge Charger. I would be driving all over the place if I had one of these! I might even sleep in it ha ha!

Now this is for me and my friend Jamie. New Harley's! Woo Hoo! Now I just have to learn how to ride it! Man it would be so FUN!!!!!
This one is mine~

Jamie, this is for you. Hope you like it:)

Then I would love this front porch! Jamie, you can ride on over on your new bike and sit on my porch with me. I'll serve you a nice tall glass of sweet iced tea! Isn't this porch lovely?

hee hee hee :) Wowwy wow wow!

Thanks for stopping by and dreaming with me! Have a great night!